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Gary Miller wrote:

Hi, guys —

  • Can people be cursed?

I know objects can. I was just wondering about people.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless,

Gary Miller

  { I know objects can be cursed, but can people be cursed? }

Eric replied:


Yes, people can be cursed.

I believe I experienced such a curse many years ago in college when I tangled with a witch. She was my friend's girlfriend, and on a phone conversation, she requested we spar about religion for a while, and then within a day or two of that conversation, I experienced famished hunger that I could not satisfy no matter how much I ate. After a couple of days of this, I got suspicious, said a deliverance prayer, and found immediate relief.

For a dramatic account of the effects of a curse, listen to this podcast.


Gary replied:


Thanks so much for your time in answering my question.

A friend of mine went to a city Council meeting to try to prevent abortion clinics from ever coming to our city. He and his family are very devout Catholics. He said that at every meeting, these witches showed up to protest against it, and he said it was very eerie to even walk by them. He said you could sense the evil around them, and they made a lot of hateful gestures and cursed a lot. I'm glad I wasn't around them. It would have given me the creeps.

God bless you, and may your light always shine bright.


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