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Jack Whistle wrote:

Hi, guys —

I went to Confession today for the first time. I intended to confess all of my sins, but there was one sin that I decided not to confess because it involved someone whom my parish priest knew, and I didn't want to expose that person in my own Confession, so I planned to confess that particular sin to another priest because they wouldn't know the person involved. But now I read that my entire Confession was invalid because of this. I did want to confess that sin, but I just wanted to protect that person. The sin was from a very young age, and my memory of it is not very clear. Thinking about it now, I don't know if it was a mortal sin or not because although, as a child, I knew it was wrong, I don't know if I knew how grave it was.

  • If I go to Confession again, must I confess every single sin again from my first Confession, even if I truly was contrite and willing to?

I just didn't want to share someone else's sins.


  { If I go to Confession again, must I confess every single sin again from my first Confession even if I was contrite the first time? }

Bob replied:

Dear Jack,

I would go to Confession and explain to the priest (or another priest, if it is too embarrassing) that you made this omission, realizing it was wrong, and want to make things right.  He may want you to do a complete do-over, or he may say,

"Let's just clean this up and take it from where you left off."  

This is Jesus whom you are really dealing with, just be candid and honest—he already knows the deal.

Next time, don't worry, the Confessional is a seal, and priests seldom remember what was even told to them, it is a built-in grace given by God so that they do not dwell in the dark places.  

Just trust and let go.


Bob Kirby

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