Thanks for the question.
Go to your parish and tell the priest what you did. They may choose (most likely will) to do a provisional Baptism to insure that the Sacrament was valid, and will also create a record at the parish. If you followed the proper form and intent, the Baptism would have been valid. The canonical provision for emergency Baptism could arguably be applied here (but there are a variety of factors to consider), since so many priests were refusing to do baptisms for many months — even now in some places, many have followed the same practice.
Sadly, some in the Church don't take seriously the Lord's Word that you must be born of water and the Spirit . . . (John 3:5), or that proper form and matter count, and during this pandemic we have seen the emergence of invalid baptisms happening for decades, affecting even subsequently ordained priests—having to be baptized again, as well as improper forms, even so hideously exemplified by the squirt gun priest.
Some may take exception to you taking matters into your own hands, but I would rather be safe than sorry and do not fault you. If there is any chance you did the Baptism hastily and without consideration for the parish priest, you can take it up with him and our Lord; at the very worst He will forgive you if there was any misjudgment.
Bob Kirby