Hi, guys —
I was baptized Catholic but was pulled out of the
Church at age 9 and never received my
First Holy Communion. I am now 22 and would like to be
a part of the Catholic Church.
- What's needed for me to receive my First Communion, be confirmed, and receive
the rest of the Sacraments?
What's needed for me to receive Communion, be confirmed, and receive
the other sacraments? }
Hi, Kara —
Just go to a local Catholic Church and tell the priest/pastor
that you wish to receive your
First Communion and Confirmation. You will probably
have to make an appointment and
schedule some time for their RCIA program.
- If you were already baptized, you probably want to
go back to the parish you were baptized at, unless
you have moved far away or the faith in that parish was practiced poorly.
- If you have moved far away
and don't have your Baptismal certificate, the priests
at the new parish should be able to call your previous parish or diocese
(where you were baptized) and send you the original (or copy of the) Baptismal certificate.
Hope this helps,